Monday, January 18, 2010

Back in my Den with fresh new dreams and plans

So i'm back again in my hostel.Reached here on Sunday.Monday turned out to be a holiday due to Jyoti Basu's demise.Had there been no holiday then this semester would have turned out to be the first one in which i would have been successful to attend the first lecture of the first day of my fresh semester..But let's see if i am able to get up in time tomorrow for receiving a warm welcome by Mr. Khushdeep Singh,the most dreaded Prof. of our department..Like previous times,this time also i have come back to hostel with some of my plans for a fresh new semester and i hope that this time i'm able to work accordingly..but only time will tell this and for the time being "I don't want to piss on my present by worrying about my future!!"