Monday, December 21, 2009

school frnds--special ones

So finally got some time to update my blog after those boring and tense exam days..Yesterday was a walk down the memory lane as I got a chance to spend quality time with my school frnds-kanwar aka "DRUMMER DOC", kulli-"THE BODY BUILDER",Moti-"THE TECHIE" and rakesh-"A NICE CHAP"....Two other were also there but they can just be tagged as classmates since i was'nt close to them.We all began with a brief talk about what is going on now-a-days,the obvious answer exams and vivas..Then shifted gears to our life since we entered college..A mixture of happy,sad and tense moments but the tense and sad ones gaining an upper hand over the rest..All of us totally exhausted and frustrated with the system governing our lives-Useless assignments, practicals,exams and vivas because they just promote the tendency of mugging up things without much understanding of them,in particular,of their use in our lives. Then,all of a sudden we enter our school image of a child dressed up in a uniform with hair properly combed with the so called"side partition" heavy bag over the shoulders containing the literature,language and composition copies plus books,school diaryand lunch box..
May be with water bottle.This is what we used to be during our initial school days..Fights over petty things even for drinking water from each other's water bottle..Waiting for the P.T period every week with that LATHI sir..Making queues with proper forward,right and left arm distance!! The only work to do was homework and assignments or projects,if any. No worries about future, the only thing in mind was that we have to move to higher classes..dat's all.But still we people were'nt happy at that time and used to fascinate about a carefree-studyfree college life..In fact, all such fascinations and thoughts due to our parents and other people around us who used to say that you only need to work hard during this time as college life's all about having fun.But once moving away from school, all worries about future set in.During 11th and 12th,the only good thing which happened to us was perhaps we got our own bikes..well this is what i think because i luv bikes! So the wait was over..we got admissions in different colleges..A happy an dproud feeling did set in for a while..But after a few months entering the college,everything vanished. All we had in our minds was nothing but sessionals, assignments, presentations, lectures, notes, practical files and in case of some, placements.Tried to cope up with all these for a while but later on when frustration set in, we rather i just let my life take is own course..Re-appears, passing exams with the passing figures..This what all happened and still happening..We want to be successful in future but at the same time don't just want be trapped in all this stuff..
SO,Yesterday we again repented that we missed out much more beautiful moments which we could possibly lived while in school but spent that time thinking of a college life full of fun and enjoyment..And now, we are just passing our days with fond memories of school and also with the thoughts that those days were perhaps the best and we won't ever get such days in our still many things that i missed out but have to go out to purchase loose sheets needed to complete my practical file for my final viva tomorrow!! So after that walk down the memory lane yesterday we all are back to our respective worlds and i have decided that i won't spend the rest of my college life thinking and repenting that those school days full of innocence are over coz i have a firm belief that i will think over the same lines once i move out of college and join some company!!

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